We deliver training online; virtually; and in person, including in mock courtrooms.
We are happy to deliver to any audience but in recent years have concentrated on providing training to overseas professionals and to non-legally qualified personnel in the legal, regulatory and discipline fields.
We have years of experience providing training to criminal justice investigators based on years working with invesigators on succesful prosecutions. Our training is interactive and practical. It can involve practical exercises; case studies; and/or assoignments and assessments. Our training is grounded on years of experience and life-long learning. All sessions are designed to meet the client's needs and we avoid "off the shelf" products.
Topics delivered include: Courtroom skills for non-lawyers; human rights; disclosure; case preparation and presentation; Judicial, prosecutorial and police corruption; police discipline; university discipline; university panel training; jurisdiction; maritime matters; combatting violence and disorder in football; combatting social media abuse in sport.
We have experience in delivering training to overseas delegates through interpreters and have presented at numerous international events.